Heading home

Heathrow (2nd attempt), May 30 Our last day (or so we thought) in London was pretty low key, but we did have time to head over to Nopi for some delicious veggies. While I found the food in Scotland quite good, they were very light in the vegetable department, and those they had were largely potatoes and turnips. I like both, but I’d been missing the green ones. Nopi satisfied my craving, as well as highlighting that vegetables needn’t be boring. The highlight of our night was watching the first installment of Springwatch on BBC2. If you like spring, it’s worth checking out on the BBC website or their Facebook page. The program goes on for three weeks, and largely consists of watching birds in their nests, fox in their dens, puffins protecting their young, etc. Any TV exec in the US who suggested this would be fired on the spot, but it’s pretty beloved here. I watched a bunch of birds begging for food for an hour while we got ready for the plane, so once again I certified my cr...